The documentary film, "The Smith Perspective" had its debut showing at the AFI Theaters in Silver Spring, MD on August 26, 2019. The one hour film inspired a crowd of over 250 people. Afterwards, the Smith Family was available for questions and comments about the film. Below is a recap of the evening captured on video.
The second showing was in Joe's home town, Magee, Mississippi on August 31, 2019 where almost 100 folks were able to enjoy the film.
The third showing was at the home church of the Smith family, Clinton AME Zion Church in Rockville, MD on September 11, 2019 where over 100 people got to see the film.
Here's some feedback on what people are saying about "The Smith Perspective"
"Words cannot convey the impact this movie had on my wife and me. The Smith Family's story changed not only our relationship and the way we communicate with each other, but also changed the way we guide and listen to our children. Finally a documentary without an agenda other than to inspire others. We now use the word "perspective" frequently and listen more than we talk. Can't thank James Bonato and the Smith family enough for sharing this story with us."
-Tony Currier
"The Smith Perspective is a documentary film that will add a valuable piece to your own puzzle. It is a must see documentary that asks everyone to step up and be more, feel more and do more on a daily basis. James Bonato is a superb film maker and this documentary is a special tribute to The Smith family."
-Lanie Kinze
"I felt the documentary was great and very inspirational. It displayed the importance of family coming together through challenging times. It should be watch by everyone no matter of your race to understand what it means to have understanding and compassion. Again, I enjoyed watching the documentary and it definitely made me think about my life and challenges that I'm faced with."
-Orman Jones
"This is a very moving ongoing situation of love overcoming huge challenges with persistence and even obstinacy. This is the Life saga of the Smith family. James has portrayed the story compassionately with feeling and empathy. Congratulations to James for bringing this story to a wide audience. All the Very Best to the Smith family, particularly to Mrs. Smith for her courage and fortitude. We can all learn from her example to carry on despite the most difficult obstacles."
-Feroza Vatcha